Pros and Cons of IB Online Tutoring

IB Online tutoring has gained a stronghold on the student and parent community these days. An outbreak of the pandemic has further escalated the growth and popularity of IB online tutoring. While technology enhances the quality of education and resources, online tutoring is gaining a lot more attention as compared to physical tutoring due to various benefits. With the introduction of e-textbooks and i-pads, online tutoring is occupying the academics of the students. Online tutoring is now emerging as a popular choice and booming business because of its unique features and long-term benefits.

Understand online IB tutoring

It is a one-on-one video conference with a human tutor via new interactive platforms such as Skype, online whiteboards, Google Docs, Google Hangouts, etc. Knowing its worth for your child becomes highly important and indeed a first right step towards garnering the benefits of online tutoring.

Owing to the advent of new technologies in the market, advancement in tutoring sites, enhanced and developed visual application aspirants are being able to grasp the concepts and understand the topics interactively and interestingly. Online tutoring seems to be trending in academia because of its easy access and convenient way of learning style. It’s a very known fact that students do often hunt for IB maths tutor, IB Physics tutor, IB online math tutor and IB online physics tutor to gain more stronghold on the technical subject.

Let’s take a look at the Pros and Cons of IB Online Tutoring with the help of the below mentioned points:



The most positive side of online tutoring is the convenience it offers to the students and their parents. In order to save time and avoid unnecessary movements, students are more inclined towards its benefits. Students can log on from home or even from school to connect with their online tutors. It is indeed a great pull for the students and parents with a highly busy schedule and time management issues.

Students who opt for technical subjects do hardly get time to travel. The best part about online tutoring is that even if you forget the time, the tutor will remind you of the upcoming classes or through a call or a message. Online IB tutors make it easier for the students to achieve their targets. The demand for IB tutors, IB online tuitions, IB online math tutor, IB Math tutor, IB Physics tutor, IB online physics tutor has highly increased over the years.


Its virtual nature enables the online IB tutor besides many other coaches to reach more students and provide them the best services as well. There could be more reasons behind avoiding traveling and still make the learning possible, sometimes students are bound to remain at home due to poor health conditions, parents ’ busy lifestyle, student’s busy schedule, etc.

Online tutoring is the ultimate solution to all these unavoidable circumstances and makes learning possible without stepping out. The online format of teaching and providing an engaging class is successfully grabbing attention and making it a “Go-to-learning-solution” for the learners. Besides its attainable approach, it is gradually succeeding in engaging students positively and opening innumerable doors for many other students in making them believe in its umpteen benefits.

Frequent valuable feedback

This is yet another advantage of online tutoring; it is one of those very essential factors behind students opting for an online mode of learning. This fulfills the needs of the students and keeps them on track as it helps them trace their own growth and make continuous improvements. An online format is very beneficial for the students trying to improve their writing skills.

IB online tutors, IB tuition and IB online tuition help students in making good progress in academics over time. With the added advantage of working on a document parallel with the students in real-time, students feel more connected and get assured of their learning style and pace. The online pattern boosts the energy and motivation of the tutors as well as it brings quick results. The instant feedback makes the task easier and students can rectify their common mistakes then and there and guide them while students are working on the given task.


A hurdle in communication

A Physical absence of an IB tutor acts as the biggest hurdle in interacting effectively with the students. The absence of a “side-by-side” approach makes communication a little difficult. It makes the hands-on activities difficult and we all are aware that games prove to be a very efficient way of learning. Online tutoring lacks physical help and hinders some of the interaction tools used by the tutors, it is considered as the major drawback when the learner is kinesthetically motivated.

The students struggling with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) will find it really challenging to proceed and continue with IB online tutoring. It will not be a great idea for such students to opt for online tutoring where skipping classes and giving excuses related to the internet becomes a routine escape panel.

Not all online learning platforms are efficient

It is always good to do your research in the first place and then decide for your child. There will always be bad apples in every industry and so is the IB education industry. Get your references before choosing the online learning platform; avoid making a significant monetary commitment before your child appears for his/her very first online class. Beware of the scams out there; make sure that you choose what is better for your child only after getting assurance of the tutors, their background, time and subjects they will be teaching, if possible you can even request for the demo class as it will give you clarity regarding your decisions ahead.

Reliability on the Internet

The dependency increases on the internet with the online classes, internet connection is not always reliable. A good internet connection depends on various factors; a few of them are weather conditions, proper recharge, electricity, etc. In case these factors turn out to be unfavorable for you, the complete session will be a waste and in fact, it kills session time due to technical glitches in the scenario.

Connection reliability and speed may prove to be a hindering factor in the online setup of your class. The complete process of appearing for a class can become a huge mess if the internet does function according to your need. Considering the virtual setup, a huge dependency on the internet increases and meeting all the needs can be difficult at times. Even a small error can be a big and serious interruption in the execution of any session.

To sum it up!

IB Online Tutoring has all the potential to transform an ordinary class into an effective one. It has Pros and Cons like every other alternate option of online tutoring. One should choose online tutoring depending on the requirement. Please feel free to reach out Baccalaureate Classes for one to one online tutoring and guidance of any IB Diploma subject.

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