IB Business Management Tuition

Baccalaureate Classes provides experienced IB business management tutor in Gurgaon and Delhi. International Baccalaureate business management subject deals with the study of various theories related to management of business and application of these theories to real life situations using different tool and techniques. Our IB business management tutors are well qualified and experienced in tutoring this subject. They always motivate the students to explore, analyze, evaluate and understand various business related activities at domestic and international levels. Our every IB business management tutor encourages the students to take part in the small activities and seminars. The business management course of IB curriculum covers the operational behavior of wide range of domestic and international organizations to explain their social, cultural and economical aspects. We always prefer that our IB BM tutor has some experience of corporate sector also so that his or her tutoring would be up to the mark. We have a team of IB business management tutor in Gurgaon who take classes at our academy. This course mainly deals with the teaching of key characteristics of corporate sector companies such human resource, finance and marketing. The course makes the students to understand the dynamic nature of today’s business environment. IB students are encouraged to develop an ethical understanding of the subject also so that they can understand their ethical responsibilities towards the society. Baccalaureate Classes has a team of IB business management tutor in Delhi and Noida also. The main aim of the course is to make the students to understand the holistic view of today’s business world and develop their critical and logical thinking about the individual and the organization.
The IB business management course is offered at two levels which are standard level and higher level. The standard level course has total five units. These five units are Business organization and environment, human resource management, Finance and accounts, Marketing and operation management. The total tutoring duration for these five units is one hundred and thirty five hours. The duration of IB business management internal assessment is fifteen hours. The assessment model of IB business management SL course consists of two papers. Paper 1 is a one hour and fifteen minutes exam which asks structured and extended-response questions weighing 35% of the final grade. Paper 2 is a one hour and forty five minutes exam which asks structured and extended-response questions based on core topics weighing 40% of the final grade. The internal assessment and research project is of fifteen hours duration weighing 25% of the final grade. Our IB business management home tutor conduct the unit test after teaching each unit at student’s home so that they can evaluate the learning of the student. We have a team of IB business management home tutor in Gurgaon who are well trained in teaching this subject. Our IB BM tutors have prepared the mock papers for the students which covers all the assessment objectives of the business management course. We have a qualified team of IB business management home tutor in Delhi and Noida also. Our IB BM teachers also help the students in writing their commentaries of this subject.
The higher level course of IB business management has total fives units. These units are same as for the standard level course but the teaching duration of each course is more as compared to SL course. The total teaching duration of IB business management HL course is two hundreds and ten hours. The assessment model of IB business management HL consists of two papers. Paper 1 is a two hours and fifteen minutes exam which contains structured and extended-response questions weighing 35% of the final grade. Paper 2 is a two hours and fifteen minutes exam which contains structured and extended-response questions weighing 40% of the final grade. The internal assessment and research project is of thirty hours duration. Our IB business management online tutor conducts the mock exams for the students of this course. As we know that IB schools are spread in more than one hundred countries and we keep on helping the students from other countries through our online tutoring platform. We have a well trained team of IB business management online tutors who are conducting online sessions from many cities in India and abroad.