How Baccalaureate Classes is helping out students through IB ONLINE TUITION to prepare ib students for their mock exams?

Baccalaureate Classes is concerned about the mock and final exam preparation of ib student. As we know that almost every country is fighting the corona virus caused Covid-19 epidemic. The government of most of the countries has advised to close their schools till 31st march 2020 and hence ib schools have decided to conduct online ib tutoring classes to make sure the safety of students and prevent the spread of corona virus. The mocks exam of myp 5 and ib diploma students are supposed to happen in the last week of this month. Hence it has become very important that the preparation of the student does not get hampered due to closing of the schools. Therefore ib tutors at Baccalaureate Classes are ready to help the student through our ib online tuition services. It is not very certain that how much time it will take to completely stop the spread of the virus, hence we suggest that every student should start preparing for their ib finals and mocks in advance and do not wait for the school to open. As IB tuition can’t happen in person, so every ib tutor at Baccalaureate Classes is always ready to help out the ib students across the globe. It is expected that when the temperature will increase over thirty degree centigrade then the spread of the virus will stop automatically as corona virus can’t survive over a temperature of 26 to 30 degree Celsius.

However, it would not be a wise idea to ignore the studies and preparation of the students due to this epidemic. Hence it is advised to the students to stay at their houses and avoid outdoor activities and unnecessary social contacts and focus on their studies. Every ib online tutor at Baccalaureate Classes is committed to help and guide the ib students in all possible effective manner. The final exam of IB mathematics is supposed to happen in second week of May, hence our every ib maths online tutor is eager to teach and guide the students twenty four by seven as per the students convenient timings. Currently our online ib tutors have already started the classes for students staying in Italy, France, Germany and other European countries. We will also start providing IB online tutor in USA and IB online tutor in Singapore. It is much obvious that online ib tuition is the only hope remained to the students to prepare for the upcoming ib final exams in May 2020. We are more concerned about the ib maths HL and ib physics HL subjects because we have observed that students face more difficulties in these two subjects as compared to other subjects. But the major relief for the students is that the ib physics exam is the last main subject exam so that they will get proper time to prepare for this subject, also our ib physics online tutor teach this subject with a great expertise and never let the students feel that it is a tough subject. Therefore we are in total support of our IB students and ready to help anytime irrespective of the geographical boundaries through our ib online tutoring program. So, Dear IB students, feel free to contact Baccalaureate Classes if you need any type of help in any of your IB subjects.

We wish you good luck for your mock and final exams! Stay safe & Healthy! God bless you!

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