Physics is a challenging subject even though it has applications all around us.

The IB grade descriptors for sciences gives an insight in what the students need to achieve to score a 7. The important points are below:
- Thorough command of concepts and principles
- Ability to apply concepts and principles in a wide variety of contexts
- Ability to evaluate and analyze qualitative and quantitative data
- Ability to give detailed explanations in complex phenomena and make appropriate predictions
- Ability to solve problems that are challenging or unfamiliar
- Ability to communicate logically and concisely
To develop these descriptors, the following 7 tips should get you on your way!
IB does not prescribe a particular book to study from and therefore it is a good idea to know the syllabus before depending on one or two books for your learning. Understand what is needed in each of the topics and shape your learning accordingly.
The crux of your marks lie in questions that require justification what is happening or make predictions in the theoretical experiments or situations. Understanding the theory and applying it is the most important skill that is needed here. Build this through thorough reading and practice. A good method is to make color-coded notes for what you understand and highlight what you do not. Clarify what you do not understand with your teacher or your IB physics tutor to ensure you understand everything the syllabus mentions.
Practicing questions not only helps improve understanding in a concept but also gives you confidence in yourself. A good place to start is by answering questions in books at the end of every chapter. These will give you a good foundation but will not be enough. An excellent way to practice more questions is by using online resources like IB physics tutoring. Our online IB Physics tutors have a wide range of resources besides what is available in school. They can not only provide you with practice questions but also help you understand concepts or solve any difficult questions in detail.
Learning concepts from books is a good start but not always enough. Use resources such as online IB tutors to expand your learning and look at a concept in more than one way. This will give you a larger perspective and a deeper understanding of the concepts, enabling you to answer any indirect or unfamiliar questions that are asked in exams. Include practical learning or experimenting in your everyday learning to help understand concepts and register them. Group studying, brainstorming in groups or helping your classmates is another great way to register or revisit concepts. Relating what you learn to things around you can help you register concepts better. For example, relate projectile motion to shooting baskets or try applying circular motion and centripetal force to roller coasters the next time you ride one. These relations will help you remember concepts better and make the subject far more interesting. Physics is all around us! All we have to do is observe! Learning IB Physics from our IB tutors is as easy as observing the phenomenon happening in our nature!
Time management is an important aspect in solving questions. Even though you have understood concepts well and practiced thoroughly, it is inevitable that you will find some confusing or difficult questions in your paper. To be able to prioritize and gain as much marks as you can, practice at least 5-8 past papers with the time constraints of an actual exam. These practice sessions are barring any IB exams you have at school. Don’t forget to mark them or get them marked by your online tutor or your school teacher to keep a track of your progress.
This is an important step that many students forget. Mistakes made during practicing or during school exams are generally forgotten by the time actual board exams arrive. Keeping a separate notebook/ marking questions or concepts where you have made mistakes and re-visiting them before exams can reduce repetition of mistake during your final exams.
IB often has two exams on one day with very less time to revise everything in between. Hence, it is a good idea to have a cliff notes version of all concepts, formulae and diagrams along with all your previous mistakes that will help you prepare for your final exam in the little time you get.
IB Physics IA is one part of assessment where you can explore and enjoy with no time constraints but also where you can re-visit your work and are provided with many opportunities to improve it. Understand and follow the criteria for your IA. Keep in mind and act on every correction your teacher suggests. If needed, a second opinion cannot hurt! An IB physics online tutor can help improve your IA and give a second opinion on your work making it fail proof.
Mental and psychological confidence is an important aspect of how you perform. Panic can cause irrational thinking and lead you to make mistakes that you would not otherwise. Time yourself so that you have 5-10 minutes to check your answers and calculations before submitting your paper. If you do not have enough time, do not panic and merely skim read your paper to ensure you have answered everything you are required to. Every time you see a question you do not understand or find difficult, skip to the ones you know and come back later with a clear and calm mind. You can find a practice like praying or counting backwards that may help you calm down in such circumstances. This will help you stay confident before and during your exam.
Physics can be a difficult subject to score well in but if you are motivated, dedicated and manage your time well, the above tips should help you achieve 7 points in IB Physics. Please feel free to contact Baccalaureate Classes for any type of support in learning IB Physics. Good Luck!